
Company Registration


Get your company registered with us and take a step ahead to make your company a legal entity and make a grand entry in corporate world.


Govt Schemes for NGO’s and Industries


This is the place where you can easily find different government schemes and match them with their business objective and avail them to get direct benefits from them.


GSTIN and Other services


We all know that how hectic this task is? But on this platform you can easily find solutions of all your GST related queries and move a step ahead in your business development process.


ISO certification


Either our business indulge in manufacturing process or we are a leader in a service sector or anything related to documentation process we all want quality assurance and proper standard for our assets. That’s why we are here to give you easy access to all these services.


Patent, Trademark, Copyrights


Everyone wants to protect their intellectual rights and property or assets and we provide them user friendly access on our portal to get the things done as early as possible.


Pvt. Ltd, LLP Registration


TechStores understand the importance of your hard money, and we also know the challenges while starting your own company. We believe in making ease in every operation. So here we come up with the solution if you wish to register your company as a Private Limited entity or a Limited Liability Partnership.


StartupIndia Registration


Lead yourself to grow others.
If you are planning to bring some new fire in the industry, with your unique concept. We admire your decision and will also provide you services for registering yourself in StarupIndia.


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